lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Lowering Cholesterol. How low should it be?

Lowering Cholesterol. How low should it be?

Lower your cholesterol levels. Reducing your cholesterol levels. Try to lower bad cholesterol. Raise good cholesterol. This is every piece of advice you have probably heard regarding cholesterol. However, it may confuse you and your objectives. 

A recent study has concluded that most adults do not know how to reduce their cholesterol. This study has also proved that most people were under treatment using medicine that contained astatine. 

You must be very cautious about the different ways to lower cholesterol, establishing a goal for yourself. You must consult with your doctor, since this will give you a specific objective to reduce your cholesterol. Your objective could be any specific value or reduction percentage during a specific period of time. In any event, having a goal will help you work out your cholesterol issues. Every adult should find a way to reduce their cholesterol levels and have values inferior to 200 mg/ dl.

The standard campaign to achieve this goal is the result of a national survey, which revealed that most people were confused about how to control their cholesterol. An international health researcher expressed that the standard campaign's main goal is to educate people about cholesterol, and help establish goals and plans to reduce it.

The results of the study also strengthened the idea that most people need to know more about cholesterol control. 40% of adults surveyed, wished their doctors spent more time explaining cholesterol, and nearly 80% had concerns regarding their cholesterol levels, since they had no goals whatsoever. More than half (63%), did not know the recommended level of LDL cholesterol. ("bad" cholesterol). 

To get further information on cholesterol and how to control its levels without prescriptions or drugs, you can get the e-book: 

  “Cholesterol Never Again™” by clicking here 

Aging and cholesterol.

Aging and cholesterol.

There are many factors that affect your capacity to reduce cholesterol. Not all of them are directly under your control. Age is one of those factors that affect the levels of cholesterol and of which we have no control at all. However, with a healthy diet and regular exercise, even elderly people can reduce cholesterol. 

Men and women suffer the increase of cholesterol at different biological periods. Women in general experiment a decrease of cholesterol before reaching menopause. There is an exception that occurs in women with a family history of high cholesterol, and can therefore present high levels of it. As the biological age on women increases, so does their cholesterol. Then, at the age of 60, most women have similar levels of cholesterol to those of their male counterparts. Finally, women between 65 and 70 years old have generally lower cholesterol levels that men the same age. 

The GH growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland, even on adults who are done growing. A short burst of about 20 seconds is released every night, while we sleep. As we get older, the amount of GH decreases, and this has an impact on our levels of cholesterol. The GH can reduce an amount of low density lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol. With a lower amount of the growth hormone on our bodies, the levels of cholesterol tend to increase along with age. 

You can combat the effects of aging by eating healthy and making regular exercise. These habits are especially important when it comes to maintaining your vitality and to keep your cholesterol levels as low as possible. If you are concerned about your cholesterol, it is important to have a diet both low on fat and cholesterol. 

You can lower your cholesterol without using prescriptions and revert the impact of aging on cholesterol. The proper way to do it is on the e-book: “Cholesterol Never Again™” by Martín Teixido, which you can find here [Your Member Link] 

This e-book has a proven method to lower cholesterol naturally through good nutrition and good food planning. 
Do not miss the chance to get the book that will change your life, simply by clicking here.